“Art of Raising Children with an Attitude of Gratitude”. Higher happiness = better GPA’s.

Categories:A clipping for you.



“Giving thanks is no longer just holiday fare,” Diana Kapp writes in The Wall Street Journal.  “Gratitude works like a muscle.  … early findings indicate parents’ instincts to elevate the topic are spot-on.  Concrete benefits come to kids who literally count their blessings.”

“I think the most important thing for us adults to realize is we’re not very grateful either,” (Dr. Watkins says.)

Kids who listed what they were grateful for — every day for two weeks — had a better outlook on school.  Better life satisfaction even THREE weeks later.

And there are SCHOLASTIC BENEFITS too~!

The “Journal of Happiness Studies” (who knew?) says those kids who had ‘thankfulness for the beauty of nature and strong appreciation of other people’ reported having stronger GPA’s, less depression and envy and a more positive outlook than less grateful teens.


I rest my case.

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