“Bang it, sexy!”

Why is it that the smallest room in the house is where I spend the most time?

It used to be the “Treadmill Room”.  Mirrored walls.  Carpeted floor.  Dim lights and a TV.  Great idea, on paper.  But nobody USED the treadmill, and after six or seven years of walking past the metal monster, I had a revelation.  “Make it into a THANK YOU ROOM!”

I stashed all my stationery there.  A typewriter my friend Darlene gave me (a clone of the first that’s in my ‘main office’ a wall away).

We built a plain Jane white high desk, useful for wrapping or shipping.

A few weeks ago, when I met Louise Marler, I bought some of her “typewriter art”.  Today my friend Gregory Mc. installed it, Velcro and all, to the left-over mirrors and voila!  Here it is.  What do you think?

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