Geeking out. Denise Avchen and I went for a walk several months ago… and happened upon the Paley Center for Broadcasting Museum in Beverly Hills. I knew there was a typewriter exhibit there — of major collector Steve Soboroff’s machines — and so we stopped by to admire them. Denise got a shot of me geeking…

New digs.

I moved into an office today.  With my friend and fellow typewriter lover, Louise A. Marler. I’m going to start my book.  Finally.  Now is the time.  “LOVE LETTERS: MY TYPE OF THANK YOU”. With over 1,000 posts on my blog in the last year — and hundreds of letters I’ve written — I’m going…

Tons of typewriters.

 Denise Avchen and I walked into Beverly Hills to have lunch — and along the way, we stopped to see Steve Soboroff’s exhibit at The Paley Center … and I fell in love with his collection. He typed a line from each machine below,  a very cool idea. Please Share

Danielle Steele has written more than 100 books on her typewriter.

Danielle Steele, who’s America’s best-selling author and has written more than 100 books, types all of hers on a 1946 Olympia manual typewriter. She’s worth more than $385 million, “Celebrity Net Worth” reports. I’d say there’s got to be some connection between hand, heart & bank accounts … maybe I need an older typewriter!…

The final invoice: “No Charge”.

I took my ailing Olympia Compact 2 to Star Office Machines to have Pedro look at it one more time. ‘”Something’s wrong with the carriage, ” I told Ermanno, who doesn’t usually look at such lowlife. “Right here,” Ermanno pointed.  “It should be catching.  Pressure’s off.” He was right of course.  It took less than two…

At Star Office Machines with Louise Marler, typewriter artist.

Louise A. Marler, a typewriter artist, and I went to Star Office Machines today to see Ermanno, our favorite mechanic. We’re prepping for a proposal on — guess what? — and needed Ermanno’s thoughts. We got to see some really cool machines — our version of ‘kicking tires’. Our master mechanic wasn’t there but his associate Pedro…

Clutter buster.

I‘m finally clearing through stacks of papers I’d cleverly hidden in pea green Container Store boxes. During Christmas,  I couldn’t keep up with the influx of papers/gifts/magazines & catalogues, so I coped by sticking them out of sight. The only problem?   “Out of sight, out of mind.” * My Mom preferred doing anything over housekeeping. So…

Woody Allen, who only uses a typewriter — joins Amazon.   Woody Allen, the L.A. Times article says has partnered with AMAZON streaming video service.   “Allen and Amazon are an unusual pairing Allen is an unrepentant Luddite who bangs out screenplays on the same manual typewriter he’s used for half a century and reportedly prints out his emails and dictates responses to an…