Where it all began…

http:/http://oztypewriter.blogspot.com/2012/12/son-of-22-olivetti-lettera-portable.html   The Heidelberg inspired the typewriter… and we should be forever grateful to that mighty beast.  I got this postcard at a printer’s fair a month ago… where it was sad to see so many machines sidelined, gathering dust in the Carson warehouse/museum.  The good news was that plenty of people were there, all…


I haven’t seen “POPULAIRE” yet but Ermanno, my typewriter mechanic, said he thought of me when he heard about it… a French secretary’s dream to become the world’s fastest typist.  I can’t tell you anything more about it because I haven’t seen it … have you?  Did you like it? Please Share

Dirty diapers & dirty ribbons & the cycle of life.

I came to the front door a few months ago, right in the middle of changing a typewriter ribbon.  I do it so often — I buy Nakajima correctible ribbons by the half-dozen.  (And talk about a tough thing to find — they’re as scarce as hen’s teeth).  Jamie’s friends from college were there, fresh…

Typewriters fly – on Delta.

We were on a conference call for Rhode Island School of Design and waiting for it to begin.  My friend Jon K. mentioned he liked a letter I’d done — on the typewriter — and asked how I’d transmitted it to various folks on the Board.  “Was it an app?” he asked. “Typewriter,” I chirped….

A visit to Mecca.

An example of Louise Marler, typewriter artist’s work:http://www.lamarler.com/typowriters/ Louise Marler, who was referred to me by Ermanno, my typewriter mechanic, is a self-professed typewriter lover and artist.  She has a website, “TYPEWRITERS ARE SEXY”.  I wrote her a note after hearing about her from Ermanno, and she’s invited me to her studio.  I’m all atwitter…

A green Hermes typewriter, a poet, and a search for love…

http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-poem-store-20130809-dto,0,6438656.htmlstory Slightly breathless, I call Ermanno, my handsome typewriter mechanic.   “Did you see the L.A. Times? Big story on the front page.  A poet writes at the Farmers Market — on a portable Hermes typewriter.   And it’s green!” I gaze at the paper as I tell him. The machine is even cuter than…