Finish it, already. Do some “Polychronic working”.

Categories:A clipping for you.

TY-Finish notes from 2 weeks agoPolychronic working” — switching between tasks in sequence — turns out to be a good way to work.

Here the Ohio State University studied subjects who multitasked –they watched videos while writing.

They enjoyed themselves more.

Bad news:  They were more distracted and did the job less efficiently.

Their advice:

Write 5 “Thank You” notes.

Take a break.  Watch your favorite show.

Write 5 more.

Watch show.

And save the rest for tomorrow.

But don’t let it go for more than a month, they warn.  “That would take the enjoyment out of the gift, and you won’t be as grateful with your words,” says Patricia Rossi, author of “Everyday Etiquette”.

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