Happiness in silver & black.

Pat White and I were Trustees at the Rhode Island School of Design… and during a break in the meetings, she admired my light gray Oxfords (with their yellow soles and laces).

It was then she taught me a new word:  “Brogues”.

She had a pair of blue ones she loved, and the hunt has been on ever since.  It’s more of a window-shopping game we play… since neither of us really rushes out to buy the new kinds we find… but we have a good time looking, and sharing… even though Pat lives in Boston and I’m out in Los Angeles.

In today’s HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, there was a shot of “Oxfords” — silver with black caps, made by Jimmy Choo.

I had to clip these to show Pat because I know as an artist & architect, she’ll love them.


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