Olivetti rules…or “Heaven in a box”.

Ty to Justin.

I know one very cool guy, Justin Wilkes, who produces features films, documentaries, and does branding for major corporations.  He also has a portable typewriter that he uses when he wants to go “of the grid”.

He bought it for a honeymoon trip when he promised his new wife he’d stay off the computer.

Instead, he found an Olivetti Lettera 22 — a portable — and lugged that to India.

I’ve been pondering buying a portable, and Justin kindly offered me to try his.

When I was in New York last week, I went to his office and pounded on its keys.  It was heaven in a box.  Justin and I kicked tires, talked about mechanics and stationery sources, and we agreed that all future correspondence must be typed.

I left feeling soul-satisfied in a way very little else can do.

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