“It’s been a week…”

We converged up in Cambria last weekend.  Seven of us, including our teacher Linda Schreyer, who’d set it all up.  I lugged my typewriter — the only one to do that! — and we worked in our rooms, meeting occasionally for feedback, lessons and connection. I hadn’t written Linda a ‘thank you’, so did that…

Gloria Gordon’s birthday.

My friend Gloria Gordon turned … well, let’s just say a year over 90 on Monday. I took her to The Cheesecake Factory in Beverly Hills, and asked our friend MIMI STARRETT to join us. Mimi bopped over from his real estate job, and we had the works — replete with a piece of Red…

Malibu Barbie.

I gave BEATRICE, who’s 7 a new-style Barbie doll … who had blue glasses and a sunsuit on, after her Mom,  AMEE SPONDIKE came to town with a Museum group from the Rhode Island School of Design. I haven’t met Beatrice, but thought she’d like the cool-ness factor of the hip new ‘Malibu Barbie’. She…

From trailer parks to Montage Hotel: a sales idea.

I http://marisamurrow.com/artwork/2218052.html At a dinner party I had for Rhode Island School of Design folks tonight, one of my guests was MARISA MURROW.  She’s a talented artist whose work features California scenery… and a few years ago, a series of trailer parks!  Those pieces might be of interest to The Montage Hotel down in Laguna…

Smithsonian brainstorming.

We attended a luncheon today to brainstorm how to get people to better know The Smithsonian — and its mission. They told us to go online to see the antics of Tian Tian, the baby panda.  (Here seen rolling in the snow a few days ago). I got home early enough to write our hostess a…

SASE and a boss from my first job.

I forgot my little dish — that’s part of a set — when I had lunch at Nan Tepper’s last Saturday. We all worked together at KNXT, the local CBS station, in the Newsroom. Nan Tepper was our beloved boss.  We did research, Assignment Editor work, and whatever else we could to make the nightly…

Professional shot.

Steve Cohn is a professional photographer so it was no surprise that his holiday card was a great shot. I couldn’t figure out how the kids could hold onto the moving train.. until I looked at it again and decided, “Oh, duh, I guess it’s a train that’s NOT moving.” Sometimes it takes a second…

Director from another time.

It was a long time ago that I graduated from UCLA and got my first job as a Production Assistant in the Newsroom.  I worked in Research at the Assignment Desk, then moved up to work in the office of the Assistant News Director — largely because I typed, I suspect. * Many of my…