Power outreach. Tip #1, or “I put the Ping in Typing”.

I like writing to Presidents.  It started when I was in first grade, and I sent a scrawled letter to President John F. Kennedy, exhorting him to keep us safe during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  He wrote me back — or his staff did — and I kept the piece of stationery for years.  (Now that I think of it, I’ll have to search again to see if I still have it somewhere.)

That began my fascination with power outreach.  I figure — based on President Kennedy’s response — everyone likes getting a positive note once in a while.

I send shiny stamped offerings when appropriate.  I strike up relationships with people I wouldn’t have made contact with otherwise.  Architects who have built iconic sports stadiums.  Presidents who run colleges.  Directors in charge of Museums.  Executives in charge of entertainment conglomerates.  People who wouldn’t take my phone call will open their mail.imgres-1

If you tell me who you want to reach out to — I’ll help you format a letter.  I start by telling them where I saw them — or heard them speak.  If it’s virtual, that’s OK too.  If it’s an article online or in the paper, I’ll include that URL or clipping.  Explain what struck me as important about what they said or did.  Why I’m grateful.  Why it merits a special “THANK YOU”.  Why they matter to me — and to all of us.

In almost all cases, I’ve gotten a response.  Only once — in the case of someone who ironically claimed to be the ‘King of Outreach’, did I never hear a thing. I still laugh about that one.  I say, “I put the PING in TYPING’.


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