SASE and a boss from my first job.

Categories:Eventful Follow-Ups

Cecelia Alvear, Margie Friedman, Erica, Patty Ecker and Nan Tepper IMG_1615 I forgot my little dish — that’s part of a set — when I had lunch at Nan Tepper’s last Saturday.

We all worked together at KNXT, the local CBS station, in the Newsroom.

Nan Tepper was our beloved boss.  We did research, Assignment Editor work, and

whatever else we could to make the nightly program.

Many of the women have been getting together with Nan for years.  I just joined in

recently, and I’ve found it a wonderful way to reconnect…

To make the dish return easier for her, I sent a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) and a note explaining

my gaffe.  Nan sent the dish back — in perfect condition, I’m happy to report — and a lovely note with it.

(On the left — Cecelia Alvear, Margie Friedman, me, Patty Ecker, & Nan Tepper;  photo by Nina Zacut0).
TY-Nan Tepper

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