Shameless flattery will get you everywhere.

My mother’s a better ‘clip artist’ than I am — and she reads more profound magazines than I do… in this case, THE ECONOMIST.


Other great quotes:

* Networking is not just for the elites.

* “Networking can be considered an investment that pays off in the future.”

* “Abandon all shame.  Be flagrant in your pursuit of the powerful and the soon-to-be=powerful, and when you have their attention, praise them to the skies.  Academic research has found that people’s susceptibility to flattery is without limit and beyond satire.”

“But shameless needs to be balanced with subtlety.”

*”You must have something to say.”

*You need to work hard at networking”.

And make it a ‘fundamental part of your job.

My mother’s note at the top of the article — “But no mention of thank-you letters!”

She’s right.  A “TY” can go right to the heart…and The Network Effectmake you stand out.

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