It starts at the top.

I flew to Michigan this last weekend and was knocked out by how many counselors there are now doing the mission of Camp Kesem.  It’s a place my late sister Kitty helped at the beginning, and it’s grown from being on one campus — Stanford University — to being at 62 college campuses across the country.

As I looked out at the room, I lost my cool… I gulped. about to break down, thinking, “This would have made Kitty so proud.”

I wrote Jane Saccaro, the Chief Executive Officer, today when I got home.  She’s doing a magnificent job, and it’s no wonder the camps have a 98% approval rating from the campers AND the parents alike as a place where kids can go when their lives are falling apart at home as a result of a parent who’s fighting the “C” word.


For more about Jane, read:



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