TY-KSaKaren Schmidt’s always got the best stationery.

Maybe because she works at The Getty,From Karen, typed. or maybe because she has access to better printers… I’m not sure what it is, but I always looks forward to her missives.

I smiled when I saw that she customized this notecard to make it a ‘Thank You’ card.

She typed it on the computer, telling me it’s something I’ve approved… which I have.  I believe it’s better to type it and have people read it.  Some of our scrawls are so horrific — mine included — that we do our viewers a favor to limit their struggle to read our chicken scratches.

Karen’s not sold on this method, and I suspect her next “TY” will be handwritten again… but I give her props for trying something new.  And as always, I do love the stationery.

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