I’ve been a bitch and I’m sorry.


I admit it.  I can lose it sometimes.  I’m not always “happy thank you lady”.  Sometimes I get uptight and nothing you can do or say will convince me to come off my nasty attitude.

After our new neighbor moved in (after months of noisy construction that jangled every nerve I had), she puledl out of the complex right in front of me.

Once she hit the street, she zoomed off, not a smile or wave,  left me in the dust.

I realized, “I wouldn’t smile at me either,” and  humbled myself to send a “Mea Culpa”.

My righteous anger dissolved as a I wrote it.

I put it in her mailbox.   She called immediately… set a dinner date.. and gave me a carefully-chosen present of Jo Malone perfume.

I felt bad I let my lip curl up so far.

It feels better to smile than to snarl.

My note turned the tide.  I don’t  recommend  pissing off your neighbors — but if you  can stomach writing an “I’m sorry”, it  goes a long way.

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