Julia Rothman, illustrator & RISD alum.

Sometimes the world suddenly hands you a surprise.  I was in New York for a Rhode Island School of Design Board meeting.  I walked in to a party for my fellow Trustees and heard a loud “Erica?” from a willowy young woman with brown wavy hair.

‘”Julia!” she explained.   I’d seen her name on the guest list but and hoped she would be there.  She revealed she’d felt the same way.  We hugged like long-lost friends.  Kismet.

Months ago, when I was starting my website, I typed Julia Rothman a letter.  Told her how I love her illustrations of office products… and how proud I am to know that she graduated in Illustration Studies from Rhode Island School of Design

Much to my delight, I got a letter back from her a few weeks later.  With a few decals of typewriters, too.

I’m going to write her another note now as a follow-up… and tell her that in the mail I got while she and I were meting — my friend Christy Hale sent me … two Julia Rothman decals because she thought I would appreciate them.  So now I have four.




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